Mysteries and Histories: Shipwrecks of the Great Lakes


Great Lakes Shipwrecks
Wes Oleszewski – To many people who visit the Great Lakes, the distant vessels on the horizon are taken for granted, but for Wes Oleszewski the lakes are a treasure chest of mystery and history waiting to be explored. From the mysterious fire that sank the Monteagle, to lifeboat #2 of the Philadelphia which disappeared with all men, these stories will intrigue the reader.

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Great Lakes Shipwrecks
Wes Oleszewski – To many people who visit the Great Lakes, the distant vessels on the horizon are taken for granted, but for Wes Oleszewski the lakes are a treasure chest of mystery and history waiting to be explored. From the mysterious fire that sank the Monteagle, to lifeboat #2 of the Philadelphia which disappeared with all men, these stories will intrigue the reader.

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