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Mudflows and Landslides – Disasters Up Close


Disasters Up Close Series
Michael & Mary B. Woods – A river of mud is flowing, carrying away everything in its path! Read about mudflows on Mount Saint Helens (1980); at La Conchita, California (2005); the landslide that buried the town of Frank, Alberta in 1903; and the massive mudflow that buried 23,000 people in Colombia in 1985, plus many others.

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Disasters Up Close Series
Michael & Mary B. Woods – A river of mud is flowing, carrying away everything in its path! Read about mudflows on Mount Saint Helens (1980); at La Conchita, California (2005); the landslide that buried the town of Frank, Alberta in 1903; and the massive mudflow that buried 23,000 people in Colombia in 1985, plus many others.